Bulk Statements

ServeManager's newest update makes the Statement creation process easier than ever!

In the past, users were only able to create a single Statement for one client company at a time.

The new bulk statements feature brings additional functionality to the Invoices section, so users can create statements for multiple companies at once.

bulk statement

From Invoices, users can select the appropriate invoices by checking the box next to the invoice number. After selecting the necessary invoices, pressing Bulk Options will reveal a new option, New Statements.

bulk statement 2

A pop-up box will appear, detailing information including:

  • How many invoices were selected,
  • How many unique companies the invoices are associated with,
  • How many draft invoices are included in the selection (draft invoices will convert to issued after creating the statement),
  • How many paid invoices are included in the selection,
  • Email sharing options to send the statement to the Client's Primary Contact along with any contact in your own company, as well as an option to include a message when emailing the statements

If you have a default message set for any of the client companies you can choose to use that default message by checking the box labeled "Use each company's statement message, if present". Pressing "Select all that match the current filters" will expand the selection to encompass all invoices depending on which filters are set (great for situations where you need to select more than the 100 invoices available on the current page you are on).

Pressing Save will create the statements and send out any emails, you can click on the Statements tab in the Invoices section to view all of the created statements if you need to re-share via email, print the statement or save a PDF version of the statement.

As always, please feel free to contact us with any questions, concerns, comments, or feedback.

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