New Features

Filter Jobs by Creator

Learn how and why you'd need to Filter your Jobs List by Creator

ServeManager now connected to hundreds of apps with Zapier

Process servers become even more efficient through Zapier automations. Connect your ServeManager account to Zapier and start building your own features.

Attach scans to jobs quickly with Drive or Dropbox

Use Dropbox, Google Drive and more 3rd party apps to automate attaching scanned files to ServeManger jobs using Zapier.

Watch Our Latest Pro Series Video

Watch our latest Pro Series Webinar on Advanced Accounting Functions

Add Taxes to Your Invoices

Need sales tax added to specific or all products on your invoices? We've got that! Learn how to use this new feature.

Take Credit Card Payments on Statements

By popular demand, your clients can now pay Statements (with multiple jobs and invoices) with a Credit Card. This feature utilizes our Stripe integration.

Apply Payment to Statements

Ability to Apply Payment to Saved Statements has been added

Give the Gift of ServeManager

Refer a friend or colleague to ServeManager and earn a $25 credit. We'll credit them $25 too.

Access Previously Generated Statements

Learn how to access your previously generated Statements

Manage Invoice Products from the Settings Screen

Learn about the new location for managing your Invoice Products

ServeManager Directory Improvements

Learn about the new, smarter way to find other ServeManager Users

Automatically Notify Your Servers

Learn how to automatically inform your servers when you enter a note or attempt on jobs that are assigned to them

Email Your Statements

You can now email statements directly to your clients from within ServeManager

California Style Declaration of Diligence

We've added a California style Declaration of Diligence

Get paid faster with ServeManager Payments

Stop waiting for payment from your clients. Allow them to pay your invoices and statements via credit card immediately with ServeManager Payments. No merchant account requirement. Low transaction fees.

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