Save $50

GAPPS members get $50 off a new ServeManager subscription, plus we donate $50 back to the association.

Register for a free trial below. At the end of your trial, if you decide to purchase a ServeManager subscription we'll credit $50 to your account. In some cases that's worth more than two months of service. Plus, we'll donate $50 back to your association.

Click to activate this offer and start your free trial.

Activate Offer & Start Free Trial

Offer Details
  • You must be a member of the Georgia Association of Professinoal Process Servers(GAPPS).
  • To activate the offer, you need to click the button above. When you're ready to purchase a subscription we'll credit $50 to your account.
  • Only valid for new, first time subscriptions. Not valid on current ServeManager subscriptions.
  • We reserve the right to change or discontinue this offer at anytime.