New Statement Feature Roundup

Our engineers have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to bring additional functionality to ServeManager. We've recently released several updates to make managing your statements easier, and for you to find that information quicker.

Statements Now Appear in the Job Activity

To help keep all of your information organized, we have now added statement events to be recorded in your job activity. So now when an invoice is added to a statement, issued from a statement, or paid through a statement, that action is recorded in the activity for every job where the invoice has been added to a statement.

Status Filter and Date Range Filters

A much requested feature has finally arrived! When viewing your statements page you can now use filters to help find the particular statements you need, just like you currently can with invoices. You can adjust the filters by statement status, or created and paid date ranges. Now easily find the statement you need with a few clicks!

Custom Email Text and Statement Terms

We want you to be able to share all the information you need to when emailing out documents. Previously, you could only customize the email message and add comments to the bottom of invoices. We have now brought this functionality to statements as well! You can begin using this feature by going into your settings and you can read more in this article.

We are always looking for ways to save our users' time. If you have any comments questions or concerns about these new features, or about ServeManager in general, please feel free to reach out to us here.

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