Recent Articles

New Bulk Invoice Actions

New accounting features help users mass email and/or issue invoices from multiple jobs at once.

New Feature: Bulk Email Invoices

Our newest accounting feature gives users the ability to email multiple invoices at once.

View & Search Payments

The Payments tab now returns a detailed list of payments for invoices and statements. See who applied a payment, filter the list, or search by the payment description (e.g. check number).

DSOP New Feature: Service Rejection with Written Explanation

Recipients of a Digital Service of Process can now reject the serve and provide a written explanation for the rejection.

Updates to ServeManager’s Interface

We're updating the interface to make things more consistent and user-friendly. Learn more and preview screenshots of the updates.

Digital Service of Process (eService) Updates

Released in June, ServeManager’s eService feature has had many updates one of which is the naming transition from eService to Digital Service of Process (DSOP).

Attempt Specific Uploads

We're at it again! ServeManager's newest update now allows you to upload files while recording attempts. This new feature helps manage your uploaded files while adding clarity for your clients.

Update: Job Uploads and List Management

ServeManager's newest update brings a more robust approach to handling attachment uploads for jobs and refining the layout of the jobs list.

POS-050/EFS-050 Now Populates eService Information

The California POS-050/EFS-050 now populate information saved in an eService.

ServeManager eService Beta Available to All Subscribers

We're rolling out eService to the masses. You can now activate and begin using ServeManager's newest feature!

New Statement Feature Roundup

We've been working nonstop to bring you updates to ease your workflow. We released several features recently, to help you manage your statements. Take a peek at these new statement features.

Introducing Electronic Service of Process with ServeManager

Here at ServeManager, our team's primary goal has always been to give process servers the tools they need to grow their business, work more efficiently, and stay relevant in the industry. With that goal in mind, we decided to develop an electronic service of process solution for process servers that is irrefutably better than email.

ServeManager Update: Custom Terms of Payment/Default Email Messaging for Statements

The newest ServeManager feature update brings custom terms of payment and email messaging to statements.

New Feature: Company Specific Uploads

You asked and we listened! You can now upload and store files for a specific company all within ServeManager. This is the beginning of updates we're releasing to help users manage their uploads.

Collaboration Job Status Update

Job Statuses are now independent when working with other ServeManager Subscribers

  • 3145 of 263 articles