Recent Articles

New Team Member Spotlight: Justin

Please help us welcome our new team member, Justin

Quickly Check Job Sharing Status

Learn how to quickly identify which Collaborators can and cannot view an Affidavit, Attempt, or Note within a Job

Use Stripe Within Invoices and Statements

Learn how to use Stripe directly in your Invoices and Statements

Changes to Job Activity Log and Sharing

Read about additions to our Job Activity Log and adjustments to our Email To options

Zip+4 codes available for address auto-complete

Want Zip+4 codes to be included in address auto-complete? Enable this setting.

Switching to ServeManager From Your Current Software is Easy

Process servers share why they switched to ServeManager and how you can too.

Auto Complete Addresses in Uppercase Letters

Learn how to populate your auto completed address in Uppercase letters

Auto Complete Addresses

Learn how Addresses will now autofill for you in ServeManager

5 reasons California Process Servers should use ServeManager

California customers create more jobs per month than any other state. If you’re not already using ServeManager to manage your document retrieval and process serving work, here are 5 reasons why you should be.

How to Save Time with ServeManager Payments

ServeManager Payments makes collecting payment more efficient and increases transparency.

Survey: How do you pay your servers?

Please help us improve ServeManager by sharing how you would like to see the payroll for servers work.

Mass Print Documents

New feature release - mass printing of service docs, field sheets, affidavits and invoices organized by job.

Collaborating Clients can View Issued Invoices

Learn how a client can view your invoice in ServeManager

Set an Account Wide Reply Email Address

Learn how to set an account wide reply email address

Filter Jobs by Creator

Learn how and why you'd need to Filter your Jobs List by Creator

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